28th of September 2021
The Korian Foundation for Care and Ageing with Dignity will award the Korian Foundation Award for Diversity and Respect in Care for the first time in 2021. With this award, the foundation is focusing on an important topic: diversity-sensitive care. As the first winner, the facility Immanuel Seniorenzentrum Schöneberg will receive the prize for its commitment to LGBTI* culturally sensitive care. The Korian Foundation Award will be presented at the German Nursing Day on 13 October 2021 in Berlin.
A diverse society also requires more diversity-sensitive competence in care. This works in many directions: Within the staff structure as well as in dealing with people in need of care and their relatives, families of choice or caregivers. Especially in the care sector, where communication, human needs and care are a central issue, it is important to be sufficiently sensitised so that ageing in dignity is possible. The Korian Foundation Award wants to encourage companies and institutions to commit themselves to diversity. Institutions and organisations as well as inter-institutional projects that are already diversity-sensitive or are on the way to becoming so were eligible to apply.
"The Immanuel Seniorenzentrum Schöneberg lives diversity and respect on many levels. For example, employees of the facility receive regular training on the topic of diversity-sensitive care, and internal evaluations are carried out to ensure that the measures have a lasting effect. In addition, the center cooperates closely with associations and societies with the aim of achieving sustainable social openness and acceptance. Among other things, the facility succeeds in this by seeking communication with its neighbourhood, raising awareness of the LGBTI* issue and providing education. The jury was unanimously convinced by this overall concept," explains Elisabeth Scharfenberg, director of the Korian Foundation.
Ralf Schäfer, facility manager of the Immanuel Seniorenzentrum Schöneberg on the award: "We are very pleased that our commitment to LGBTI* culturally sensitive care in facilities for the elderly has been distinguished with the Korian Foundation Award for Diversity and Respect in Care. It is a very special award for all employees who, despite the difficult basic conditions in care, stand up for and implement the inclusion of sexual and gender diversity. Considering that homophobic and transphobic attacks are far from being a thing of the past, we combine this award with the hope that it will encourage other institutions to make diversity visible and live it."
The Korian Foundation Award for Diversity and Respect in Care is endowed with a sum of 2000 euros, which can be used for further diversity-oriented opening processes and change measures such as training. The Korian Foundation Award will also be presented in 2022. Further information on the award can be found on the website: https://www.korian-stiftung.de/korian-stiftung-award
About the Korian Foundation for Care and Ageing with Dignity
Founded in 2020, the non-profit Korian Foundation for Care and Dignified Ageing aims to promote the development of care for the elderly and health care, as well as education, training, science and research in the field of care and medicine. The focus is on caregivers, for whom offers are developed that strengthen their physical and mental health. In this way, people in need of care are also considered. Dignity, recognition and respect for all sides - that is the holistic motto of the foundation.
About the Immanuel Seniorenzentrum Schöneberg
Immanuel Seniorenzentrum Schöneberg offers full inpatient care and is a facility of Immanuel-Miteinander Leben GmbH, a company of Immanuel Albertinen Diakonie. Close cooperation with relatives and families of choice, the preservation of self-care competences and the self-determination of those entrusted to their care are important concerns. They serve to preserve the individual habits of the residents. In November 2018, the facility was the first in Germany to receive the "Lebensort Vielfalt" quality seal for LGBTI-sensitive care.
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